In July 1993 I decided to attend my eldest son’s commencement ceremony in Barinas , Venezuela . My young high-school daughter and my seventy-three year

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3 Responses to “The Herd and Lawlessness”


    Yes, indeed, Ms Falconer, what you undoubtedly experienced, as explicated in your piece, is the general coarsening, crudity, and bhuttuization, of a slice or part of Jamaican life re the Informal Commercial Importers.(ICI). Indeed, the process of bhuttuization and bhuttuism has now engulfed and transformed the entire length and breadth of the society and has impacted on all social classes, irrespective of income and education. Consequently, boorishness, crassitude, uncouthness and offensiveness have totally replaced positive values, such as courteousness, politeness,civility, sensitivity, general manners, social etiquette, grace and sophistication.

    Ms. Falconer, please be mindful of the fact that Jamaica is no longer pre independence Jamaica, where decency, manners, respect and civility reigned supreme. Quite frankly, Jamaica has severely lost its way since the 1970s, and it is becoming more conspicuously apparent that we may never get back on track in terms of a decent and civil society. Certainly, the first step in reclaiming decency, manners and civility is respect for self, and quite unfortunately, many of our citizens do not have respect for self, consequently, they are not able to respect others. Hence, bhuttuism and the process of bhuttuization and the attendant coarsening is the new normalcy.How tragic?

  2. Goldie Falconer - Simpson Avatar
    Goldie Falconer – Simpson

    The greatest tragedy is that some of us have to live here and are rendered impotent by th system. Some of us have the will, but not the means to even try. I am trying to organize an NGO to help some inner city cildren and because I am a non-entity or a firebrand as one politician called me i cannot even get a lawyer to register it. I can pay the lawyer fees but no doing for my bloodline or alma matar does not put me in the rank and file of the Jamaican society.

    I hope that people reading this will compare and contrast how decent law abiding citizens are treated and how those who can use mob force and indecent behaviour can run things here.

  3. Michael Simpson Avatar

    This is a perfect example of the unruly and disgusting behaviour of our Jamaican people which will only lead to conflicts.