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Abeng Radio and Chat
[radioforge url=”;” skin=”oldradio” codec=”mp3″ radiotype=”shoutcast” introurl=”” welcome=”Welcome to Abeng Radio” autoplay=”false” lang=”auto” buffering=”5″ volume=”60″ width=”220″ height=”150″ title=”Abeng Radio” artist=””]Abeng News Magazine is your community centre, and now it’s your turn to interact with others in the community while tuned in to Abeng Radio & Chat where we share music, mostly roots reggae, and news features.
Bring your friends, give yourself a username, log in and chat.
[wise-chat]Share your news
Can you tell a story in three minutes or less time? Know how to use the voice recorder on your phone and how to use sound editing software like the free Audacity audio editor application?
We’d love to hear your stories about people and places and things and the voices and sounds of those people and places and things.
If you have literary skills, you can send snippets of your stories and poems too.
Music? Of course!!!
[flashvideo file= height=96 repeat=always /] To listen click on the play button above. You’ll be disconnected when you leave this page. To record your say click the button below but remember you must be using Skype. Our Skype ID is abengnews. Make some notes and organize your thoughts because the recording will end at five minutes maximum. Now it’s your turn! –>