
A penny for your thoughts.

Category: Editorial

  • Jamaica’s 9-11 Moment

    Jamaica is having a 9-11 moment. Prime Minister Bruce Golding flying a plane of obfuscation into the Jamaican parliament, has brought a unity not often Continue reading

  • Revolution!

    Twenty-ten is a landmark year. It’s the end of the first decade of the 21st Century if you’re one who counts from one to 10, Continue reading

  • Still Victims of the “Shitstem”

    At Abeng News Magazine we hate the culture of victimology. It’s where minority people spend much time lamenting the reasons for our oppression rather than Continue reading

  • CARICOM’s Existence Threatened – Golding

    The existence of Caricom (the Caribbean Community), the only organisation dedicated to the economic interests of the Caribbean countries, is at risk, Jamaica’s Prime Minister Continue reading

  • A State of Urgency

    In reflecting on the magnitude of Jamaica’s present social and economic problems, one cannot help but reminisce about the historical context of the tragic economic, Continue reading

  • The Value of Sacrifice

    The economic policies of Jamaica have consistently undermined the ability of the working people. It has relegated the majority of the public to a life Continue reading

  • A Call to Service, A Call to Leadership

    This is an open letter to Jamaicans. Our beloved homeland and its bedraggled people are in need of many things at this moment in our Continue reading

  • Women Not Quite Equal

    From Michelle Obama’s sleeveless arms to Rihanna’s battered face, as the 98th anniversary of International Women’s Day arrives March 8, it is obvious that women Continue reading

  • It’s Your Turn on Abeng Radio

    The internet is all about interconnectivity and interconnectedness. Abeng News Magazine is positioned within this global community but with a  distinctly Caribbean voice. The Net Continue reading

  • Grave Challenges but Time to Rejoice

    On January 20, on a crisp, cold winter day under clear skies and in the presence of innumerable witnesses at the US Capitol’s National Mall, Barack Obama Continue reading