The vox populii, the voice of the people, has become the vox Alli, the voice of Allah, following the stepping down of long-time president Murbarak.
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One response to “Ancient African Super Power Back in the News”
With the abundance of archaeological and historical evidence available today, it is time people of African descent stop using the bible as a source of history, especially for our history. The bible is a book of myth that was plagiarized primarily from ancient Egyptian mythology. Hieroglyphs on the chamber walls and corridors of pyramid tombs, and on coffins and sarcophagi of particular kings, attest to the origins of the bible while others provide the political, religious, economic and social conditions of ancient Egypt. The resounding silence of the pyramids on a group of people called Israelites being present in ancient Egyptian goes far in concluding Egyptian enslavement of them never happened. Archaeological and historical evidence show no ‘Israelite’ presence in ancient Egypt, and certainly no mention is made on any pyramid or stele of an exodus amass through ancient Egypt’s heavily guarded walls, as all other major events were recorded. But the reign of th 18th Dynastic Pharaoh Ahmose gives a tantalizing account of the expulsion of the Hyksos–Semites–from Egypt to Canaan, which is more likely the origin of the distorted mythical Israelite exodus.