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Category: Letters
Watch Out Driva – An Open Letter to PM Golding
Dear Mr Golding: All the best as you steer the bus of state as “de Driva”. It is with much consternation that I now hear Continue reading
Financial Crisis – Check-mate USA
The real, critically perplexing issue for the US government and its bailout (or rescue) is not the bailout as such (although it is a major, Continue reading
Enough is Enough!
There are no words that I can find to describe how I feel about the murder of 11-year-old Ananda Dean. All the news about who Continue reading
A Defence of Merit Pay – Teachers’ Skills Quality is what Matters Most
Dear Antonn, I find your article limited in factual basis and biased towards un-informed common thinking that resists change. Further, you have presented no real Continue reading
Jamaicans, running scared and running out of time
“We have a crime problem that’s the second highest in the world and so we need a strong, decisive national security strategy,” said [Jamaica’s prime Continue reading
Educating for Inequality
A quality system for the mass education of the population is the most important requirement for national development. Our outdated education system is fundamentally flawed Continue reading
Wanted: Education for Development and Progress
I write in reference to the standard of the secondary education system in Jamaica. As a university lecturer, and former CAPE (Caribbean Advanced Proificiency Examination) Continue reading
Better Approach to Patois Issue
Can I express my disappointment with members of the Jamaican Language lobby group? I appreciate the scholarship and passion of people like Kadene Porter and Continue reading
Prime Minister Golding Should Offer Unqualified Apology to Principals
Prime Minister the Hon. Bruce Golding equated the action of school principals who have proposed and/or implemented what many consider “exorbitant” auxiliary/supplemental or development fees Continue reading
Your Take on Jamaican Creole A Farrago of Nonsense, Mr Franklin
I read the ‘article’ by Franklin Johnston which appeared on the 31st July in the Jamaica Observer with mounting horror and incredulity. How is it Continue reading